Why choose lenzie beef over meat at a big box store?

We provide high quality meat at a competitive price. Our cattle are on a predetermined feed plan which includes hay and corn that are raised by our family Lenzie Farms, Inc. This allows us to know and control what actually goes into your beef.

how do i order?

Please visit our Facebook Page to see a current selection of available products. You can also make inquiries via phone or email under the Contact Us section of our webpage.

How do i get the products i ordered?

Upon placing an order, you will be contacted by Katie Mack to set up a pick up date and time that suits your schedule. The pick up location will be in South Wilmington, IL.

what if i forget about my pick up?

Reminders will be sent out prior to your pick up time to help ensure that you get your delicious products! In the event that you need to reschedule your pick up time, please contact us as soon as possible.

What payment options are available?

We are happy to accept Cash or PayPal at this time. We are planning on adding credit card payment options in the future.

Where is the meat butchered?

Lenzie Beef generally utilizes the services of 3 local meat lockers. These are located in: Papineau, Chenoa, and Eureka. By booking dates at all three venues, we are able to get your beef in for processing without any delay. Are you interested in having your beef order delivered to you? Contact us to inquire about delivery availability and pricing.

Is it better to buy bulk beef or retail cuts of beef?

Purchasing bulk quantity beef versus retail beef cuts each has pros and cons. You have to decide which is best suited for your lifestyle. When buying bulk beef, you must plan ahead. Be prepared for a larger investment up front. Costs for bulk beef will include the cost of the beef itself plus any locker fees. While it costs more up front for bulk beef, it is actually cheaper overall in comparison to grocery retail prices. It is important to determine how much beef your household plans to consume. This varies based on the number of individuals (and their appetites!) that will be consuming the beef as well as the frequency that beef is consumed in your household. Another factor to consider is the amount of available freezer space that you have. You must ensure that you have enough space to store your beef, which will be frozen at the locker. For example, a quarter cow needs roughly 4 cu ft of freezer space. A whole cow can fit into a 16 cu ft freezer space. For anyone who falls into the group of consumers that can manage all of these factors, Bulk Beef is for you! Contact us to reserve yours today!

That all sounds great, right? So why doesn't everyone buy their beef in bulk? Not everyone wants to make a large monetary investment. Not everyone has adequate freezer space available. Not everyone consumes enough beef to justify buying in bulk. And not everyone can take the time to plan ahead! For those who fall into this group, Retail Beef is for you! Retail customers will still be able to get our top quality beef cuts at their convenience without the stress of the amount of preparation that goes in to bulk quantity purchasing.